Friday, January 10, 2014

Copic Coloring with Little Blue Button Stamps

HI Everyone!!! Dawn here to show  you the steps I took to color the image Randy using Copics.  I color from dark to light and use a flicking technique.

Step 1:  Color the skin using E11, E00, E000. I put E11 where the shadows will be, then come in with E00 to blend out the E11 a little bit, then come in with E000 where the lightest part on the face is.
Step 2: Color in the jeans using B97, B95, B93, B91. I place B97 where I think the shadows will be. I then come in with B95 and blend with B97. Then I come in with B93 and once again blend and finally I come in with B91 where I think is going to be the lightest.
Step 3: Color in the hair and shoes using E37, E35, E33, E31 and the shirt using G28, G24, G21. I use the same technique from dark to light as described above.

 Step 4: Color in the scarf using R27, R24, R22

Step 5: Color in the roses using YG67, YG63, R27, R24, R22, R85, R83, R81

This is the final colored image. Hope you were able to follow the steps to color in Randy.

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